Kalonji Seeds (Black seeds) : It is the black seeds referred to by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who once stated, “The black seed can heal every disease, except death”.

Advantages of Black seed :-

  1. May Prevent Stomach Ulcers
  2. Can Aid in Blood Sugar Regulation
  3. Can Help Kill off Bacteria
  4. Could Have Cancer-Fighting Properties
  5. May Alleviate Inflammation
  6. May Lower Cholesterol
  7. Packed With Antioxidants

Holy Prophet S.A.W. availed black seed benefits himself and also recommended its use for various ailments. The Messenger S.A.W of Allah said: “Make Black cumin obligatory (its use as a medicine) for yourself as it’s a cure for every disease except saam.” Someone asked, “What is saam?” He S.A.W. Said “Death”. (Narrated Ayesha – Masnand AHMED, Abdullah bin Umar-Ibn Maja,Abu Huraira- Tirmidhi).

Some of the very best benefits of kalonji (black seed) are:

  1.  Prevent Diabetes – Take half a teaspoon of the oil in a cup of black tea, and within a few days, you can clearly feel the difference. Take it twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. Continue this practice for forty days and if it’s back on a normal level.
  2. Relieves Headache and Migraines – You can rub pure Kalonji oil on the forehead gently and the regions near the ear in order to soothe throbbing pain or drink 1/2 teaspoon of Kalonji oil 2 times in a day.
  3. Improves Heart Health – Add 1/2 teaspoon of the oil in a cup of fresh milk and have it 2 times a day for 10 days, after 10 days have it once a day. The mixture should be continued for a week and for those who suffer from or have the tendency of high blood pressure can drink half a teaspoon of black seed oil with warm water to keep hypertension under control.
  4. Cancer Prevention – Black cumin seed oil with grape juice is a mixture prepared with black cumin seed oil (½ tsp) and grape juice (1 cup). The mixture should be taken thrice a day to have positive results.
  5. Healthy Functioning of Kidney – Half a teaspoon of kalonji oil had with two teaspoons of honey and warm water can aid in getting rid of kidney pain, stones, and infections. But you also need to consult a doctor to get a proper diet.
  6. Makes Teeth Stronger – Massage your teeth with curd and some black cumin seed oil twice a day to strengthen your gums. A piece of clean cotton soaked in Kalonji oil can be kept beside the affected area for some time to cure toothache and prevent cavities. It also helps to treat dental diseases like prematurely falling teeth, swelling of gums, bleeding gums, etc.
  7. Promote Weight Loss – You can use Kalonji oil for weight loss by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of the oil and 2 teaspoons of honey in 1 cup of lukewarm water and consuming it 3 times a day. It helps to boost the fat burning procedure by speeding up metabolism.
  8. Cure Cough and Cold – Mix 1/2 teaspoon of Kalonji oil and 2 teaspoons of honey in 1 cup of warm water and consume it 2 times daily in order to prevent and cure cough and cold and it is also beneficial for those suffering from sinus.
  9. Asthma – For the treatment of asthma and respiratory problems, it is suggested to take the mix of warm water (1 cup), honey (1 tsp) and Kalonji oil (½ tsp).Take this mixture in the morning as well as in the evening to cure of the above-said problems.Black Seed has been proven effective and is used by medical practitioners for cure of :
    • Helicobacter Pylori Infection
    • Epilepsy
    • High Blood pressure
    • Acute tonsillopharyngitis
    • Chemical Weapons Injury
    • Colon Cancer
    • MRSA
    • Opiate Addiction

KALONJI (Black Seeds)