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ICM learning academy 2021 PTO bake sale

You are invited to …. ICM LEARNING ACADEMY 2021 PTO BAKE SALE ON : Saturday, October 30 TIME : 1:00pm – 3:00pm Come with family & friends for a fun day at Islamic Center of Mason Cookies Pizza Popcorn  Donuts Cotton Candy Juice Food  Bouncy House Bubble Machine Lots of Fun Games Activities for Kids  […]


Star Student

ICM Learning Academy announces our  Student of the Month based on their accomplishments in their respective classes. By creating a Student of the Month Program, ICM LA celebrates individual achievement by sustaining a culture of learning that not only values academic success, but elevates awareness of student contributions to the ICM LA community at large. The […]


Student of the Month

ICM Learning Academy announces our  Student of the Month based on their accomplishments in their respective classes. By creating a Student of the Month Program, ICM LA celebrates individual achievement by sustaining a culture of learning that not only values academic success, but elevates awareness of student contributions to the ICM LA community at large. […]

KALONJI (Black Seeds)

Kalonji Seeds (Black seeds) : It is the black seeds referred to by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who once stated, “The black seed can heal every disease, except death”. Advantages of Black seed :- May Prevent Stomach Ulcers Can Aid in Blood Sugar Regulation Can Help Kill off Bacteria Could Have Cancer-Fighting Properties May Alleviate Inflammation May […]

Preparation for Ramadan

Preparation for Ramadan: The most beneficial diets for Ramadan and it’s preparation How are you preparing for Ramadan? The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم used to prepare for Ramadan six months in advance.  So, if we really want to make the best of this Ramadan, then we need to prepare for it […]

The Relationship Between Health and Wellness

Health and wellness are often used interchangeably, though the concepts do have some variances that deserve recognition. But what is the difference between health and wellness and how can you actively work to achieve both? Find out the pressing questions regarding wellness vs health here! Allah SWT has made this world beautiful for us to […]